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Fair Board

The Fair Board is appointed by the Josephine County Commissioners and are charged with the oversight of all operations at the fairgrounds. Each member is integrally involved with multiple events and are all hands-on participants in the annual Fair.

Unless otherwise noted, the Fair Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month, except August & December at 6:00pm at the Fairgrounds.
  • CHAIR - Dean Saxon

  • VICE-CHAIR - Karl Haeckler

  • Lonnie Johnson - Fair Board Member

  • Julie Lockman - Fair Board Member

  • Arthur O'Hare- Fair Board Member

  • Jen McGowan - Fair Board Member

  • Jon Aslakson- Fair Board Member


Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide the citizens of Josephine County a high functioning multi-use facility year-round filled with opportunities for education, agriculture, social engagement, entertainment and economic growth while being a resource for emergency response support and enhancing tourism, all while honoring our County’s traditions.

Vision Statement: Our Vision is to continue engaging with our citizens to build a County Fairgrounds that highlights the strengths of our community spirit while securing our value to the community for future generations. We will serve with professionalism and fiscally responsible planning, while building relationships with our community, users, volunteers and County Government.

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