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Press Releases & Public Notices

2025 Fair Board Agenda's & Minutes

Fair Board meets monthly, except for the months of August and December, the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Fairgrounds, unless otherwise posted.
Please note that minutes are posted after formal adoption by the Fair Board.

2025 Press Releases

Anyone wishing to attend the meeting remotely can do so via Zoom. If you wish to remotely attend a Fair Board meeting, please email tmartin@josephinecounty.gov and include "Remote Attendance" in the subject line, and our office will reply with a Zoom invitation.

The Board requests that you follow the rules and procedures for meetings as described in ORDINANCE 92-27, SECTION 7

Meetings shall at all times be orderly and respectful. When permitted, each person shall be given three (3) minutes to speak or such other longer time as may be allowed by the presiding officer. Electronic statements and/or comments may be emailed to be read into record by 4pm, day of the scheduled meeting to tmartin@josephinecounty.gov.No person shall be heard until he or she states their name and address for the record, including electronic submissions. The presiding officer may terminate the meeting when necessary or refuse to recognize anyone who:

  • Is disorderly, abusive or disruptive;
  • Takes part in or encourages audience demonstrations, such as applause, cheering, display of signs, shouting or other conduct disruptive of the meeting;
  • Speaks without first receiving recognition from the presiding officer and stating his or her full name and address (when requested); or
  • Presents irrelevant, immaterial or repetitious comments.

If special physical or language accommodations are needed for this Public Session, please notify the Fair Office

at (541) 476-3215 at least 48-hours prior to Session. TDD (Hearing-Impaired) 1-800-735-2900.

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